Shizen 自然 (n.)
1. The Japanese aesthetic of spontaneity or nature
2. Living proof of how Japanese media has inspired people
3. A convention for, or a gathering of Japanese culture enthusiasts
How can we make this possible? We need you!
I. Logistics
* in charge of canvasing & tracking venues, equipment, etc
* handles convention program/contest-related work
II. Marketing
* in charge of contacting & coordinating with sponsors, partners, and booths
* handles social networking accounts (twitter, FB, etc)
III. Advertising
* designs graphics & other materials for the con
* may create layout for websites
IV. Membership
* keeps track of event marshals (please note that the application for marshals is not open yet)
* handles training & coordination for marshals
Interested? Send in the answers to the ff. questions to us via email (
- Name
- Age
- Contact info (email + cellphone)
- When are you available for meet-ups?
- Past and present affiliations to anime/Japanese culture orgs/committees
- Committee you're applying to:
- Experiences related to the team you may be assigned to (optional, but highly encouraged)
- # of cons you've been to
- What you like and/or dislike about cons, and what you want to see in them
- Why do you want to join the Shizen Team?
- Were you able to attend Shizen Orchestra 2009? If so, what did you like/dislike about it? Is there anything you think that needs improvement?
- What skills do you have? (may or may not be related to the comm you're applying to)
- What are your interests?
- Is there any skill/trait that you have that you want to improve on?
- Keeping the main goal of Shizen in mind, how do you want Shizen to be?
- How much time are you willing to invest with us?
Please note that, as part of our screening process, we will be scheduling you for an interview. The results will be sent to you via email.